If you've ever used clippers or shears for an extended period, you've probably noticed that things can start to heat up – especially the blades and sometimes even the handle. It's one of the most common frustrations when using powerful animal clippers. But is this normal? Are hot clippers just not working properly, or are they of poor quality? And more importantly, what can you do to keep everything running smoothly and comfortably?
In this guide, we’ll explore why clipper blades and the clipper handle can get hot, how you can prevent overheating, and share simple solutions to keep your clipper running optimally. Whether you're clipping horses, dogs, or livestock, learn all the best tips and tricks for dealing with heat when clipping, including the importance of proper lubrication, tension, and regular maintenance.

Should Clipper Blades Get Hot?
Chances are, it’s not the clipper itself getting hot, but the clipper blades. ALL metal clipper blades will generate heat when used without adequate lubrication.
Clipper blades are essentially made up of two sheets of metal (the comb and cutter) that slide against each other in a similar action to scissors, to create the cutting action to clip the hair. They need to do this at speed to be able to manage larger areas of thick fur. The high speed of the two parts of the blades rubbing against each other causes friction which in turn, generates heat.
To minimise the clipper blades heating up, they need regular lubrication in the form of specialist clipper oil so that they glide against each other to produce the least amount of friction.

How To Apply Clipper Oil
Clipper oil should be applied to your clipper blades before, during and after clipping (once they have been cleaned).
- Simply apply a few drops of oil along the teeth of the clipper blades and down each side of the blades.
- For A5 clippers blades, you can move the cutter sideways to apply a couple of drops of oil directly to the cutting surfaces.
- During clipping, regularly apply a few drops of clipper oil every 5 minutes to keep the blades cool and flush out any trapped hair caught between the cutting surfaces.
- Take regular breaks during clipping to check that the temperature of the blades are still comfortable for your animal by switching the clipper off and touching them against the back of your hand.
- It’s also a good idea to take short breaks to remove the clipper blades and clean out any hair trapped between the cutting surfaces.
- Hot blades will not only by uncomfortable for your animal but may also cause skin reactions that may appear after the clip. When clipping horses, wipe over the body with a damp cloth or hot cloth the coat to remove any loose hair and clipper oil residue and to make it shine.
TOP TIP - Clipper oil not only lubricates the blades but also prevents rust from forming too.
What Can I Use To Lubricate My Clipper Blades?
The best lubricant for your clipper blades is clipper oil. This is a fine grade oil that is specially designed for the job and doesn’t react to heat.
Don’t be tempted to use WD40, engine oil, cooking oil, or any other oil products that are applied directly to the coat before clipping to remove the need to oil the clipper blades - we’ve heard all sorts! Different products have a different grade or viscosity so may not be as good as reducing friction or cooling the blades. In fact, some products may even cause more heat generation or burn your animals skin.
Using anything other than specialist clipper oil runs the risk of damaging the clipper and voiding your warranty, ruining your blades or causing a skin reaction. If you have a lot of clipping to do and are finding clipper oil isn’t keeping the blades as cool as you’d like, then we recommend using the Andis 5-in-1 cool care to spray the blades and provide an immediate cooling action.
Why Are My Blades Getting Warmer Than Usual?
If you’re finding your blades are generating excess heat, there are several reasons why this might happen:
- Insufficient Lubrication: Make sure clipper oil is applied to the clipper blades regularly, every 5 minutes.
- Tension Set Too High: Check the tension on your clipper is set as loosely as possible. If your blades are starting to go blunt or your tension set is worn, you may find you are having to use more tension to get them to cut and in turn creating more heat.
- Clipping A Challenging Or Dirty Coat: Ideally the animal you are clipping should be bathed and dried before clipping to provide them with the most comfortable clip and best finished result. Dirt, grease or any other residue left in the coat from sprays (such as coat conditioners) creates a film on the hair shafts which will transfer and build up on the clipper blades creating more friction. Excess hair from a very thick coat may also get trapped between the cutting surfaces of the blades, so take a break to ensure the surfaces of the blades are brushed clear and well lubricated. Perhaps try a coarse blade instead if the coat is very thick.
- Wear To The Components of the Clipper Head: Check the vital components such as the blade cushions and metal blade runners are present and in good condition. Missing or worn parts may lead to the tension needing to be increased or extra movement of the blades.

Remember To Apply Clipper Oil To The Clipper Head
Heat generation from the clipper head can be caused by not enough lubrication to the inner components of the clipper head itself. Heavy duty clippers and shears have holes on top of the head to apply clipper oil to the internal workings that run at high speed to drive the clipper blades from the motor.
Don’t forget to regularly apply oil down the head vents to allow the oil to coat the workings inside. Heat from the head can travel down the handle of the clipper and can be mistaken for the motor getting warm.

Excessive Heat Felt In The Clipper Handle
Heat emanating in the body of the clipper can be caused by heat travelling down the handle from with the clipper blades or clipper head so check both of these areas first with the tips above.
In other instances, heat can be generated in the clipper handle due to a lack of air circulation inside the handset.
- Ventilation: Check and regularly clear the air vents of clipped hair using a brush during clipping. When you’ve finished clipping for the day, take the time to remove the vents and give them a thorough clean.
- Servicing: Even with great care, clipped hair will get everywhere and inevitably work it’s way inside the clipper body. When enough hair is trapped inside, it will prevent the air circulating to keep the motor cool. Sending your clippers to be serviced regularly will ensure the inner components will be cleared and cleaned and wear to any components will be replaced.
- The Right Clipper: If you have a lot of clipping to do, make sure you choose a clipper that is heavy duty enough to cope with prolonged periods of use.
At Masterclip, our experienced customer service team are happy to recommend the best clipper model from our range to suit your individual needs.

Hot Clippers: Summary
Keep your blades lubricated – Regularly applying clipper oil (before, during, and after use) helps reduce friction and keeps your blades cool
Watch the tension – Make sure your clipper blades are set with the right tension to avoid unnecessary heat generation.
Clean and maintain – Regular breaks to clean trapped hair and checking the clipper head components are crucial for avoiding excess heat.
Take a look at out our range of clipper care accessories or get in touch with us for expert advice on servicing your clippers. We're always happy to help!
I need to tighten my tension screw so tight just to get the blades to clip. Is this normal?
If you need to really crank up the tensioning order for the blades to clip, the likely cause is that the tension set has become worn and needs to be replaced if you have an A2 clipper. These can be ordered with next working day delivery from us here.
For older clipper models with a Heiniger style clipper head, this can happen when the tension screw has not been loosened before swapping the blades or that the blades are not quite aligned properly. Contact us for support here.