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The many benefits of comb guides

Masterclip 9 pack of comb guides

Anna Horsley |

Comb guides are most usually associated with dog grooming but in actual fact they also make a very useful addition to the equine clipping kit. Comb guides control the amount of hair left after clipping and generally will leave a longer length than standard clipping blades – this makes them ideal for blending work or when a natural finish is desired. A5 comb guides will fit the Masterclip Pedigree Pro, Royale, MD Roamer and any other clippers such as the Andis, Oster, Liveryman, Moser Max 45, Aesculap Fav5 that take the snap on/off blade system.

Comb guides are either metal or plastic – they are designed to fit snugly over a short cut blade – such as an A5 10F blade (trimmer sets tend to have comb guides designed specifically to fit the blade). They are very easy to fit, not at all expensive and allow for a wide range of cutting lengths to be achieved.

Comb guides fitted to the Masterclip MD Roamer

Horses and Ponies

Clip on comb guides will help thin out the bulk from your horse’s coat without the cut being too short. You can fit virtually any length of guide over your blade but the most commonly used sizes are between 3mm and 12mm. Comb guides are ideal for mid clip trims when annoying “cat hairs” start to make the coat look untidy. Areas such as the gullet, underside of the neck and hind quarters will quickly grow these coarse, wiry guard hairs, especially in the winter months.

Comb guides are also a useful tool for blending in areas that have been clipped into areas that haven’t - such as from the body into the legs. Comb guides will help soften a prominent, sharp “cut” line to give a more pleasing look. This is a particularly popular process with cobs and natives - especially if they are show animals that need to avoid looking clipped.

On clipped legs comb guides can be used to tidy up a partially grown out leg – this will help the hair appear more uniform in length without resorting to a full clip. They are also useful for taking the bulk out of particularly hairy cob legs, after they have been bathed and dried, to keep the overall, natural appearance.

A5 comb guides will fit onto our Masterclip medium duty horse clippers (Royale pictured below).

Masterclip Pedigree Pro / Royale with comb guides attached

The Masterclip Showmate II trimmer comes complete with its own bespoke set of comb guides that fit over the blade provided. These are most suited to light to medium density coats and are an excellent tool for creating a blended leg, natural fetlock trim, cat hair removal and for general facial tidying (below).   

Masterclip Pink Showmate with comb guides clipping a horse

Dog Grooming

Comb guides are very commonly used in dog grooming – they are particularly effective for smaller “doodle” breeds such as the Cockerpoo, Cavapoo, Spoodle, flatter coated breeds including the Springer and Cocker Spaniel and even some double coated breeds like the Schnauzer. Creating a natural, blended finish comb guides help retain the character of the coat and are an excellent choice for both the home groomer and professionals.

Comb guides allow for a wide variety of cutting depths and are exceptionally save to use – so the groomer does not have the worry of accidental nicks from the blade passing too close. With snap on guides it is very easy to create an even finish as they need to be passed through the coat multiple times – this thinning process allows full control over the clip and is the perfect method for novice groomers to master.

A5 comb guides will fit onto our Masterclip professional dog clippers (MD Roamer pictured below).

Masterclip MD Roamer with comb guides clipping a dog

For smaller breeds or dogs with lighter density coats the Masterclip Showmate II trimmer set comes complete with a pack of comb guides and are ideal for blending and thinning (Showmate in silver pictured below).

Masterclip Silver Showmate II with comb guides clipping a dog

Masterclip are specialists in providing the right tools for the job and have a wealth of knowledge and a comprehensive selection of products to match.

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